viernes, 27 de mayo de 2011

lacan is the shit

El dinero dinero el que traiciona es el primer paso ha hah uu premier gang chas some they say in the toalet we can crow in té parados somethime used some goug’s but tey finish to the cascket i drob the mod of are crishna I hate them on the Nepal kik ass because I’m no Nepal naysord marine seal are fit and worlock I’m ihie the force like bather luke el trwing gong the ceretial force and my drown is some the armor the is my shit the is the elemen of raw is camon que ramones fames is back were are you at sunshine I do love you can’t u kiss lose your love and cash it away high in the block
We dare to shit in away the toilet the man is here to cals and tango rampo knows the shit of the war I’m you u know is mad but true whiskey in the crach my hoi is in time tdo tola do or die my courage is intoclr the skrel is no knowleds a alrig jota we shit no shit were ado no thell me were a do now wer ado now where a donow shit I hate the fuckyn silence in a murderer is the bes but in life is not hete playars degree you baned you wanted you’r bonty got it
Shit is lacan
Shit of the ass yes is froid the bery best non’t ever cascket tour he ad jus grung whit your fingers.

(este es el texto que motivó este blog. escrito por un paranoico del taller literario el martes 24 de mayo de 2011.)

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